Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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What happens during my first visit?
During your first visit you can expect the following:
- Arrive at your appointment with your paperwork completed (you can download it from our website – see the paperwork or forms link). Intake forms will need to be completed at the office if you have not downloaded them
- Provide us with your referral from your doctor when you come in for your first visit
- We will copy your insurance card and photo ID.
- You will be seen for the initial evaluation.
- The New Horizons Team will discuss the following:
- Your medical history.
- Your current problems/complaints.
- Pain intensity, what aggravates and eases the problem.
- How this is impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations.
- Your goals.
- Medications, tests, and procedures related to your health.
- We will then perform the objective evaluation
What do I need to bring with me?
- Doctors Prescription
- Insurance Cards
- Photo ID
- Work Comp Info (if work related)
- Claim number
- Adjusters name & phone number
- Address of the work comp carrier
- Liability Info (if due to accidents)
- Claim numbers
- Adjusters name & phone number
- Address of the work comp carriers
How long will each visit last?
Each visit typically last 30 to 60 minutes per visit.
How many visits will I need?
This is highly variable. You may need one visit or you may need several visits. It depends on your diagnosis, and the item you are receiving, your past medical history, etc. You will be seen as needed depending on your diagnosis.
Who pays for the device?
In most cases, health insurance will help cover your treatment. Click on our insurance link above for a summary of insurances we accept and make sure you talk to our receptionist so we can help you clarify your insurance coverage.
What happens if I have problems with my device?
We may suggest you come back to see us for an adjustment of you device. For Prosthetics, we have a standard program of follow up care.
How does the billing process work?
Billing for orthotic/prosthetic services is similar to what happens at your doctor’s office. When you are seen the following occurs:
- We will bill your insurance company, Workers’ Comp, or charges based on Healthcare Procedure Coding system (HCPC) codes.
- Those codes are transferred to a billing form that is either mailed or electronically communicated to the payer.
- The payer processes this information and makes payments according to an agreed fee schedule.
- An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is generated and sent to the patient and to us, showing any patient responsibility.
- The patient is expected to make the payment on the balance if any.
What is your privacy policy?
Our privacy policy can be read here: